July 2013


By Rudra Shivananda There continues to be a proliferation of workshops, seminars, audios and books on the power of positive thought and the techniques of positive affirmations. These can be very misleading especially for those who have these “secrets” as their initial exposure to spirituality. I utilize affirmations in some of my workshops and so


By Rudra Shivananda Every now and then, a spiritual practitioner will contact me and reveal that he is struggling with an addiction to on-line pornography and ask about remedies. After a little research, it appears that this kind of condition is not uncommon with the proliferation of on-line sites in recent years. In a short


By Rudra Shivananda When a spiritual seeker chooses a particular path for personal development, he or she may not be aware that there are significant life-changing differences between the  powerful yogic systems that can affect one’s ability to maintain a family and function in society. The yogic systems that were developed and flourished during the


By Rudra Shivananda Once an aspirant has set his or her foot on the spiritual path, a bewildering array of possibilities present themselves – the variety of spiritual groups, marketplace of systems, choice of teachers, myriad techniques and conflicting instructions. Choices to be made, doubts that constantly arise, and obstacles that present themselves are just